Educative Intervention about Alcoholism in Residents belonging to Fermín Valdés Domínguez Polyclinic of Baracoa Municipality


  • Yindris Mercedes Martínez Torres Filial de Ciencias Médicas. Baracoa-Guantánamo
  • Yalisdeysi Gamboa Navarro Policlínico Fermín Valdez Domínguez. Baracoa
  • Denny Matos Laffita Filial de Ciencias Médicas. Baracoa-Guantánamo
  • Indiana Santana Suarez Filial de Ciencias Médicas. Baracoa-Guantánamo
  • Arianna Moreno González Policlínico Universitario Epifanio Rojas Gil. San Luis. Pinar del Rio. Cuba


alcoholism, prevention, health education, educative intervention.


Introduction: Alcoholism is a chronic disease that damages the organism, as well as family and social functioning, apart from being a cause of violence, antisocial behaviors, family disagreements, accidents, and even homicides.

Objective: To assess the usefulness of applying an educational intervention program to modify the level of knowledge about alcoholism in residents from the community of Santa Rosa, Baracoa Municipality, Guantánamo Province, Cuba.

Methods: A preexperimental before-and-after study was carried out. The study universe was made up of patients over eighteen years of age. A nonprobabilistic purposive sample of thirty patients was selected under the following inclusion criteria: to be physically and mentally fit, to be between nineteen and seventy years old, not to have any disabling morbid process, and to be willing to participate in the study.

Results: There was a predominance of the male sex and ages between eighteen and twenty years. Before the educational intervention, 76.7 % had no knowledge about the consequences of alcohol consumption; after the intervention, this knowledge improved significantly. Of the total number of respondents, 76.6 % (23) had a low level of knowledge before the educational intervention, while 86.7 % were classified as having a high level of knowledge after the intervention. Only one adolescent was classified at a low level.

Conclusions: The effectiveness of the educational intervention was evidenced, since it provided the necessary knowledge on topics related to alcoholism. The intervention strategy was proposed to be extended to all the inhabitants of the municipality.


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Author Biographies

Yindris Mercedes Martínez Torres, Filial de Ciencias Médicas. Baracoa-Guantánamo

Especialista de I grado en Medicina General Integral. Máster en Atención Integral a la Mujer. Asistente. Métodologa de la carrera de Medicina. Filial de Ciencias Médicas. Baracoa. Guantánamo. Cuba.

Yalisdeysi Gamboa Navarro, Policlínico Fermín Valdez Domínguez. Baracoa

Especialista de I grado en Medicina general Integral. Policlínico Fermín Valdez Domínguez. Baracoa. Guantánamo. Cuba.

Denny Matos Laffita, Filial de Ciencias Médicas. Baracoa-Guantánamo

Licenciado en Matemática-Computación. Profesor Asistente. Filial de Ciencias Médicas Baracoa. Guantánamo. Cuba.

Indiana Santana Suarez, Filial de Ciencias Médicas. Baracoa-Guantánamo

Especialista de I grado en Medicina general Integral. Instructor. Filial de Ciencias Médicas. Baracoa. Guantánamo. Cuba

Arianna Moreno González, Policlínico Universitario Epifanio Rojas Gil. San Luis. Pinar del Rio. Cuba

Especialista de I grado en Medicina general Integral. Máster en atención Integral al niño. Asistente. Policlínico Universitario Epifanio Rojas Gil. San Luis. Pinar del Rio. Cuba Email



How to Cite

Martínez Torres YM, Gamboa Navarro Y, Matos Laffita D, Santana Suarez I, Moreno González A. Educative Intervention about Alcoholism in Residents belonging to Fermín Valdés Domínguez Polyclinic of Baracoa Municipality. Rev cuba med gen integr [Internet]. 2022 May 24 [cited 2025 Mar. 10];38(2). Available from:

