Distribution of COVID-19 Cases in Colombia during the 2021 Social Protests



coronavirus infection, epidemiology, public health, communicable diseases.


Introduction: SARS-CoV-2 infection may be highly spread in crowded scenarios, like social protests, which would cause an increase in cases and an imbalance in health systems.

Objective: To describe the distribution of COVID-19 cases during social protests in eight major cities in Colombia in the midst of the third wave of the pandemic.

Methods: A descriptive analysis of COVID-19 cases during protests in Colombia from May 2 to June 15, 2021 was carried out. Proportions, averages and standard deviation were calculated. COVID-19 incidence and mortality rates were estimated by city.

Results: 502,468 cases of COVID-19 were confirmed, mostly adults aged 20-49 years (60.2 %). 98.5 % of the infections were mild cases treated at home. The lowest age among deaths (63.5 ± 15) and severe cases (49.8 ± 18.0) was in Santa Marta. Cali had the highest case fatality rate among cities with more than one million inhabitants (2 %), and so did Cúcuta among cities with less than one million inhabitants (2.8 %). The highest proportion of deaths was recorded in the first week of protests (2.6 %).

Conclusions: Cases of COVID-19 infections did not show substantial increases during the protests in the main cities of Colombia. This first approach to the subject has limitations due to the possible underreporting of cases due to blockings and riots. Analyses over longer periods of time are required.



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Author Biography

Camilo Romo Pérez, Universidad del Magdalena

Coordinador Administrativo y lider de la línea de investigación de medición en salud de la Unidad de Investigación en Medicina Estomatológica, Preventiva y Social (UIMEPS) de la Universidad del Magdalena, Santa Marta, Colombia.



How to Cite

Romo Pérez C, Méndez Pérez A. Distribution of COVID-19 Cases in Colombia during the 2021 Social Protests. Rev cuba med gen integr [Internet]. 2023 Dec. 24 [cited 2025 Mar. 14];39(4). Available from: https://revmgi.sld.cu/index.php/mgi/article/view/2847

