Management and Control of Hypertension during COVID-19



arterial hypertension, management, uncontrolled hypertension, healthcare services, first level of healthcare, COVID-19.


Introduction: Uncontrolled arterial hypertension is a health problem in services at the first level of healthcare. It is frequently associated with complications and increased mortality in patients diagnosed with COVID-19. Uncontrolled hypertension is also a challenge for healthcare services on a permanent basis and in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Objective: To present some problems that may be encountered in the care of hypertensive patients, related to inadequate management and control of the disease and that could contribute to a poor evolution of COVID-19.

Methods: A narrative review was carried out by searching in the databases Biomed Central, Wiley Online Library, Medline, SciELO Regional and SciELO Cuba, using the keywords hipertensión arterial [arterial hypertension], hipertensión no controlada [uncontrolled hypertension], dispensarización [dispensarization], servicios de salud [healthcare services], primer nivel de atención [first level of healthcare] and COVID-19. Ninety-one articles were reviewed, from which the most significant studies were chosen in relation to deficiencies in the management and control of arterial hypertension, as well as those that exposed relationships between uncontrolled hypertension and poor evolution of COVID-19.

Conclusions: Uncontrolled hypertension is a health problem identified in the services at the first level of healthcare and the most prevalent comorbidity associated with COVID-19, which has an unfavorable impact on population health.



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Author Biographies

Irma Andronica Sosa Lorenzo, Instituto Nacional de Higiene, Epidemiología y Microbiología (INHEM)

MSc. Salud Pública MSc. en APS Investigador y Profesor Auxiliar Jefe Dpto. Servicios de Salud. INHEM.

Susana Balcindes Acosta, Instituto Nacional de Higiene, Epidemiología y Microbiología (INHEM)

Investigadora y Profesora Auxiliar. Dpto. Servicios de Salud. INHEM.



How to Cite

Sosa Lorenzo IA, Balcindes Acosta S. Management and Control of Hypertension during COVID-19. Rev cuba med gen integr [Internet]. 2023 Dec. 24 [cited 2025 Mar. 13];39(4). Available from:

