Risk for Depression, Anxiety, Stress and Suicide in Patients Isolated for Being Suspected Cases of COVID-19


  • Jairo Jesús Gomez Tejeda Universidad de Ciencias Medicas de Holguin
  • Manuel Ramon Perez Abreu Hospital Militar Fermín Valdez Domínguez. Holguín. Cuba
  • Kenia Mriela Hechavarria Barsaga 2Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Holguín, Facultad de Ciencias Médicas “Mariana Grajales Coello”. Holguín, Cuba
  • Lizandra Sales Piñeda Dirección Municipal Salud. Gibara, Holguín. Cuba
  • Yoandri Aguilera Velazquez 2Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Holguín, Facultad de Ciencias Médicas “Mariana Grajales Coello”. Holguín, Cuba


coronavirus, depression, anxiety, suicide.


Introduction: The pandemic’s psychological impact of the on the population varies depending on the type of condition, according to the meaning that it implies to the person and its characteristics.

Objectives: To determine the risk of depression, anxiety, stress and suicide in patients in isolation due to contact with suspected cases of COVID-19.

Methods: A cross-sectional and observational study was carried out with patients in home isolation due to contact with suspected cases of COVID-19. The patients belonged to the Policlínico José Martí Pérez, Gibara Municipality, from November 2020 to February 2021. From a study universe of 417 patients, 399 were selected by nonprobabilistic sampling, apart from the fact that they met the inclusion and exclusion criteria. The psychological alterations were evaluated through the application of a test. The collected information was stored in a database and processed using the SPSS 17 statistical package.

Results: There was a predominance of patients isolated due to direct contact (194/48, 62 %) and in isolation for more than 10 days (203/50, 89 %). Having been in contact with any type of patient suspected of COVID-19 was associated with risk of depression (OR: 1.81; 95 % CI: 1.38-2.38), but not with anxiety (OR: 1.05; 95 % CI: 0.88-1.25). Stress was not statistically significant (p = 0.341) in relation to the isolation time. Suicidal ideation was present in 25 patients, being related, in patients who were direct contact, to the risk of suffering from the disease (OR: 1.39; 95 % CI: 1.03-1.88).

Conclusions: During isolation, patients presented anxiety as the main psychological alteration, since they had been in contact with COVID-19 positive patients. This situation is closely related to the risk of suffering depression and presenting suicidal ideation.



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How to Cite

Gomez Tejeda JJ, Perez Abreu MR, Hechavarria Barsaga KM, Sales Piñeda L, Aguilera Velazquez Y. Risk for Depression, Anxiety, Stress and Suicide in Patients Isolated for Being Suspected Cases of COVID-19. Rev cuba med gen integr [Internet]. 2023 Aug. 30 [cited 2025 Mar. 14];39(3). Available from: https://revmgi.sld.cu/index.php/mgi/article/view/2438

