Introduction: The interest in knowing better the dynamics of SARS-CoV-2 infection and the spectrum of COVID-19 in Cuba prompted the design of a nationwide population study and, consequently, the preparation of the appropriate instrument for obtaining data on the characteristics of the individuals to be studied. Objective: To design a form for epidemiological research of COVID-19 with attributes of feasibility and validity for its application. Methods: Technological development study that went through design and application, using bibliographic and documental review, as well as consultation with experts. Once the criteria issued were agreed, the final design (final version) was achieved, which was applied on a sample representative of the population and made up of primary healthcare level professionals trained through videoconference. During the application and with the use of structured interviews electronically, the attributes of feasibility and validity were assessed. Results: A form-type multidimensional instrument was created, which includes nine dimensions and variables. Its digitization made it possible, in practice, to introduce information by means of a cellphone or computer connected to the web, while from the page created, periodic information was obtained and databases were generated for analysis of research results. Conclusions: There is a feasible and valid form to be applied and that allows, systematically and coherently, to collect the necessary information for epidemiological investigations of COVID-19, through a virtual, fast and interactive work process.



COVID-19, questionnaire, form, epidemiological research, nationwide study, prevalence study


Introduction: The interest in knowing better the dynamics of SARS-CoV-2 infection and the spectrum of COVID-19 in Cuba prompted the design of a nationwide population study and, consequently, the preparation of the appropriate instrument for obtaining data on the characteristics of the individuals to be studied.

Objective: To design a form for epidemiological research of COVID-19 with attributes of feasibility and validity for its application.

Methods: Technological development study that went through design and application, using bibliographic and documental review, as well as consultation with experts. Once the criteria issued were agreed, the final design (final version) was achieved, which was applied on a sample representative of the population and made up of primary healthcare level professionals trained through videoconference. During the application and with the use of structured interviews electronically, the attributes of feasibility and validity were assessed.

Results: A form-type multidimensional instrument was created, which includes nine dimensions and variables. Its digitization made it possible, in practice, to introduce information by means of a cellphone or computer connected to the web, while from the page created, periodic information was obtained and databases were generated for analysis of research results.

Conclusions: There is a feasible and valid form to be applied and that allows, systematically and coherently, to collect the necessary information for epidemiological investigations of COVID-19, through a virtual, fast and interactive work process.


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Author Biographies

Vivian Noriega Bravo, Escuela Nacional de Salud Pública

Especialista de Epidemiologìa y de Organizaciòn y Administraciòn de Salud que me desempeño como profesora titular y consultante del departamento de Higiene y Epidemiologìa de la ENSAP

María del Carmen Pría Barros, Escuela Nacional de Salud Pública (ENSAP)

Profesora Titular Consultante del departamento de Bioestadìstica de la ENSAP

María Esther Álvarez Lauzarique, ENSAP

Profesora del deparatemnto de Bioestadistica

Mariano Bonet Gorbea, ENSAP

Profesora del departamento de Higiene y Epidemiologia

Ariadna Corral Martín, ENSAP

Profesora del deparatemnto de Bioestadistica

Kenia Almenares Rodríguez, ENSAP

Jefa del departamento de Bioestadistica



How to Cite

Noriega Bravo V, Barros M del CP, Lauzarique ME Álvarez, Bonet Gorbea M, Martín AC, Rodríguez KA. Introduction: The interest in knowing better the dynamics of SARS-CoV-2 infection and the spectrum of COVID-19 in Cuba prompted the design of a nationwide population study and, consequently, the preparation of the appropriate instrument for obtaining data on the characteristics of the individuals to be studied. Objective: To design a form for epidemiological research of COVID-19 with attributes of feasibility and validity for its application. Methods: Technological development study that went through design and application, using bibliographic and documental review, as well as consultation with experts. Once the criteria issued were agreed, the final design (final version) was achieved, which was applied on a sample representative of the population and made up of primary healthcare level professionals trained through videoconference. During the application and with the use of structured interviews electronically, the attributes of feasibility and validity were assessed. Results: A form-type multidimensional instrument was created, which includes nine dimensions and variables. Its digitization made it possible, in practice, to introduce information by means of a cellphone or computer connected to the web, while from the page created, periodic information was obtained and databases were generated for analysis of research results. Conclusions: There is a feasible and valid form to be applied and that allows, systematically and coherently, to collect the necessary information for epidemiological investigations of COVID-19, through a virtual, fast and interactive work process. Rev cuba med gen integr [Internet]. 2021 Apr. 3 [cited 2025 Mar. 28];37. Available from:

