Risk Factors Related to the Severity of Bronchial Asthma in an Emergency Service



bronchial asthma, crisis, exacerbation, risk factors.


Introduction: Currently, there are around 300 million people in the world diagnosed with asthma and a mortality rate of 250 thousand every year. Cuba is not apart from this reality.

Objective: To relate the frequency of presentation of host- and environment-dependent risk factors with the degree of severity of crises among children.

Methods: A cross-sectional and descriptive study was carried out with 600 children aged 1-18 years, who receive attention in the emergency department of Juan Manuel Márquez Pediatric Hospital from January to December 2018.

Results: Most of the patients who received attention were male (53 %) and belonged to the age group of 5-9 years (46.3 %). Among the predominating risk factors of the study, the most frequent were viral infections (51.3 %), temperature changes (58.2 %) and non-adherence to treatment (45.5 %). Family history of bronchial asthma was found in 62.2 %, together with a history of atopy, accounting for 60 %.

Conclusions: There are modifiable risk factors in asthma patients, which allows to decrease the severity of bronchial asthma in the emergency department.


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Author Biographies

Yudalvis Oquendo de la Cruz, Hospital Pediátrico Juan Manuel Márquez

Especialista de I Grado en Pediatría y en Medicina General Integral. Profesora Asistente Departamento de Urgencias; Hospital Pediátrico ˝Juan Manuel Márquez˝. La Habana, Cuba.

Ileana Valdivia Álvarez, Hospital Pediátrico Juan Manuel Márquez

Especialista de 2do. Grado en Pediatría. Doctora en Ciencias Médicas. Profesora e Investigadora Titular. Hospital Pediátrico ˝Juan Manuel Márquez˝. La Habana, Cuba

Annia Rosa Cisneros Rodriguez, Hospital Pediátrico Juan Manuel Márquez

Especialista de 1er Grado en Pediatría. Servicio de Respiratorio. Hospital Pediátrico ˝Juan Manuel Márquez˝. La Habana, Cuba.



How to Cite

Oquendo de la Cruz Y, Valdivia Álvarez I, Cisneros Rodriguez AR. Risk Factors Related to the Severity of Bronchial Asthma in an Emergency Service. Rev cuba med gen integr [Internet]. 2022 May 24 [cited 2025 Mar. 12];38(2). Available from: https://revmgi.sld.cu/index.php/mgi/article/view/1743

