Psychological Alterations of Caregivers of Intellectually Disabled Persons during COVID-19


  • Orlando Delgado Gonzalez Hospital Psiquiatrico de Guantánamo
  • Madai Palacio Sheryz Hospital Psiquiatrico de Guantánamo
  • Annia Cainet Beltrán Hospital Psiquiatrico de Guantánamo
  • Abel Marcel Ochoa Universidad de Ciencias Médicas. Clínica Estomatológica Docente “Lidia Doce”. Guantánamo, Cuba.
  • Lis Sucel Abad Villalón Universidad de Ciencias Médicas. Clínica Estomatológica Docente “Julio Antonio Mella”. Guantánamo, Cuba.


COVID-19, family-intellectual disability, psychological alterations, coping.


Introduction: The new coronavirus, COVID-19, brought with it various changes and consequences within Cuban families. Having a child diagnosed with intellectual disability makes them more predisposing in the psychological field, due to the increase in this stressful event.

Objective: To determine the psychological manifestations in the caregivers of the intellectually disabled persons during COVID-19.

Methods: A descriptive and cross-sectional study, observational and quantitative study was carried out with 53 caregivers of intellectually disabled persons from the popular council Caribe in the Guantánamo Municipality, Guantánamo Province, in the period from April to May 2020.

Results: Depression predominated as a state (42.3%), with a mean of 43.9%. Anxiety prevailed as a state (47.3%), elevated in 45.8% of the cases. Vulnerability in cases of stress as a symptom was present in 85.2% of the caregivers. 64.5% of the caregivers of intellectually disabled persons had a type of coping with COVID-19 focused on the disease.

Conclusions: Despite the existence of psychological alterations in the caregivers of the intellectually disabled persons, the type of coping focused on emotion in the face of COVID-19 favored mental health by avoiding symptoms such as anxiety, depression and other disorders, in addition to avoiding contagion with COVID-19 from family members.


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Author Biography

Orlando Delgado Gonzalez, Hospital Psiquiatrico de Guantánamo

Lic. en Defectologia, Doctorante en Ciencias de la salud, Metodologo Integral del Dpartamento Docente, Investigador agregado, profesor auxiliar



How to Cite

Delgado Gonzalez O, Palacio Sheryz M, Cainet Beltrán A, Ochoa AM, Abad Villalón LS. Psychological Alterations of Caregivers of Intellectually Disabled Persons during COVID-19. Rev cuba med gen integr [Internet]. 2021 Apr. 3 [cited 2025 Mar. 28];37. Available from:

