Decomposition of Inequity in the Distribution of Functional Dependences in Older Adults from Argentina


  • Gisela Paula González
  • Milva Geri
  • Mariana De Santis


inequality, inequity, inequity decomposition, basic dependence, extended dependence.


Introduction: Population aging brings about an increase in the number of individuals in situations of functional dependence, which is understood as the need for assistance to carry out daily life activities.

Objective: To assess whether there is inequity in the distribution of functional dependence among older adults in Argentina and what are the fundamental causative factors.

Methods: With data from the 2012 National Survey on Quality of Life of Older Adults, the following steps were carried out: i) calculation of corrected concentration index for variables associated with functional dependence and explanatory of distributed inequity, using Erreygers transformation and ii) decomposition of inequality in the distribution of basic and extended dependences, following the methodology proposed by Wagstaff.

Results: The distribution of all functional dependencies (both basic and extended) is poor. Per capita income, the fact of having any type of visual or hearing impairment, and living in one-person households are the explanatory variables that most contribute to increasing inequality regarding the distribution of basic or extended functional dependencies.

Conclusions: The results derived from this study are an important input when it comes to ensuring assistance programs for older adults that make it possible to avoid negative consequences on their health in the future; as well as reduce expenses to the health system as a whole). These actions should be focused specifically on older adults of low socioeconomic status and who live alone.


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How to Cite

González GP, Geri M, De Santis M. Decomposition of Inequity in the Distribution of Functional Dependences in Older Adults from Argentina. Rev cuba med gen integr [Internet]. 2021 Aug. 27 [cited 2025 Mar. 11];37(3). Available from:

