Clinical-Epidemiological Characterizations of Patients with a Diagnosis of COVID-19 in Guanabacoa Municipality


  • Lodixi Cobas planchez Policlinico docente Angel Machaco Ameijeiras
  • Natascha Mezquia de pedro Facultad de ciencias medicas dr miguel enriquez
  • Dayana Adonay Manresa ochoa Policlinico Henrique de -los Angeles neninger


patient characterization, coronavirus, SARS-CoV-2, COVID-19, primary health care.


Introduction: Primary health care is an essential link for timely identification and isolation of COVID-19 cases; being also one of the most effective measures to cut transmission of the disease.

Objective: To characterize patients diagnosed with COVID-19.

Methods: A descriptive study was carried out in the service of attention to patients with suspected COVID-19 belonging to a health area in Guanabacoa Municipality, Havana, in the period from March to May 2020. The universe was made up of 37 patients diagnosed with COVID-19. The variables evaluated were age, sex, popular council, health area, and presence or absence of symptoms such as dry cough, fever, dyspnea, sore throat, nasal congestion, general malaise, headache and anosmia.

Result: The age group of 41-60 years predominated, accounting 15 patients (40.54%), with representation of the female sex, in addition to asymptomatic cases. The most representative clinical manifestation was general malaise, present in 91.66% of the cases. The highest incidence was in the Villa 1 council, with a total of 11 cases, and the Julio Antonio Mella Polyclinic, with 45.94% of all the cases.

Conclusions: The 41-60 age group predominated. The population was homogeneous according to sex. Asymptomatic patients also predominated. The most common clinical manifestation was general malaise. A higher incidence was found in the Villa 1 council as well as in the Julio Antonio Mella Polyclinic.




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Author Biographies

Lodixi Cobas planchez, Policlinico docente Angel Machaco Ameijeiras

Departamento de higiene y epidemiologia 


Natascha Mezquia de pedro, Facultad de ciencias medicas dr miguel enriquez

Facultad de ciências médicas Dr Miguel enriquez

Profesora auxiliar 

Doctora en ciências médicas 

Dayana Adonay Manresa ochoa, Policlinico Henrique de -los Angeles neninger

Departamento de docência 




How to Cite

Cobas planchez L, Mezquia de pedro N, Manresa ochoa DA. Clinical-Epidemiological Characterizations of Patients with a Diagnosis of COVID-19 in Guanabacoa Municipality. Rev cuba med gen integr [Internet]. 2021 Apr. 3 [cited 2025 Mar. 12];37. Available from:

