Giant Ovarian Cyst and Pregnancy


  • Pedro Pablo Quintero Paredes Policlinico Pedro Borrás Astorga


pregnancy, giant ovarian cyst, serous cystadenoma.


Introduction: Ovarian cysts are a frequent condition in women at fertile age.

Objective: To present the case of a pregnant woman diagnosed with a giant ovarian cyst, of interest to specialists due to its size and favorable evolution.

Case presentation: 28-year-old female patient, of rural origin, with a single pregnancy. During the first pregnancy consultation, at 11.4 weeks, the gynecological examination permitted to identify an adnexal tumor, a diagnosis corroborated by ultrasound imaging, reporting an 18-cm multi-septated cystic image that reaches the umbilical region, with thin walls, septa thickness of 2.3 millimeters and vascularization at this level. The patient was decided to be hospitalized for surgical treatment at 17.5 weeks of gestation; exploratory laparotomy was performed electively. The operative findings were a giant ovarian cyst of approximately twenty centimeters. She was discharged on the third day, with a satisfactory evolution. She continues to receive prenatal care in the family doctor and nurse's office. The anatomopathological results were an ovarian papillary serous cystadenoma measuring 20 per 20 cm; no stigmata of malignancy were observed. Eutocic delivery was performed at 39.1 weeks of gestation, the offspring weighing 3800 grams.

Conclusions: A clinical and surgical description is made of the diagnosis, evolution, intervention and follow-up of a pregnant woman with an ovarian papillary serous cystadenoma, reporting favorable outcomes.


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Author Biography

Pedro Pablo Quintero Paredes, Policlinico Pedro Borrás Astorga

Dr en Ciencias Pedagógicas

Master en Atención Integral a la Mujer

Profesor Titular

Investigador Auxiliar

specialista de I y II grado en Ginecología y Obstetricia



How to Cite

Quintero Paredes PP. Giant Ovarian Cyst and Pregnancy. Rev cuba med gen integr [Internet]. 2021 Aug. 27 [cited 2025 Mar. 11];37(3). Available from:

