Clinical, Epidemiological, Histological and Anatomical Findings in Adult Patients Diagnosed with Pancreatic Cancer


  • Katherine Susana Hernández Cortés Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Santiago de Cuba.
  • Nelsa Martha Hernández Cortés Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Santiago de Cuba.
  • Dania Sánchez Barrientos Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Santiago de Cuba.


pancreatic cancer, hypertension, weight loss, adenocarcinoma.


Introduction: Pancreatic cancer constitutes a health problem due to late diagnosis, its biological aggressiveness and the absence of effective systemic treatment.

Objective: To clinically, epidemiologically, histologically and anatomically characterize patients with pancreatic cancer.

Methods: A descriptive study of clinical cases was carried out in patients with pancreatic cancer who attended the "Conrado Benítezˮ Oncological Hospital of Santiago de Cuba, in the period from December 2017 to December 2018. The universe was made up of the total number of patients of both genders, which amounted to 19 meeting the inclusion criteria.

Results: There was no significant predominance according to gender, the age group between 61-70 years prevailed in 31.6 %, 84.2 % of patients presented as risk factor the diet rich in fat and poor in vegetables and smoking, in 63.2 % coexisted arterial hypertension, weight loss was the sign that stood out in 79.0 %. The 47.4 % were diagnosed with poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, being the pancreatic head the most frequent location of the tumors (31.6 %).

Conclusions: Pancreatic cancer is an age-related malignant disease and its symptoms manifest late that is associated with the presence of risk factors, so it is necessary to identify them early, modify and/or attenuate them.



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Author Biographies

Katherine Susana Hernández Cortés, Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Santiago de Cuba.

Profesor instructor.Especialista de Anatomís humana.Máster en Medicina Bioenñergetica y Natural.Metodóloga integral de la dirección de ciencia y técnica de la UCM-SC.

Nelsa Martha Hernández Cortés, Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Santiago de Cuba.

Profesor asistente.Especialista de Medicina General Integral y en Embriología.Máster en atención integral a la mujer y al niño.

Dania Sánchez Barrientos, Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Santiago de Cuba.

Profesor auxiliar.Especialista de Medicina General Integral y en Histología.



How to Cite

Hernández Cortés KS, Hernández Cortés NM, Sánchez Barrientos D. Clinical, Epidemiological, Histological and Anatomical Findings in Adult Patients Diagnosed with Pancreatic Cancer. Rev cuba med gen integr [Internet]. 2023 Jul. 11 [cited 2025 Mar. 12];39(2). Available from:

