Carcinoma basocelular periocular tratado con una mezcla de interferones en la atención primaria



basal cell carcinoma and therapy, non melanoma skin cancer, IFN alpha-2, HeberFERON, interferons


Introduction: Basal cell carcinoma is the malignant tumor with the highest incidence among the eyelid’s neoplasms. It has a high potential for local destruction. Surgical treatment, of choice among therapeutic modalities, can compromise aesthetics and eye function.

Objective: To describe the results of the application of HeberFERON in patients diagnosed with periocular basal cell carcinoma.

Methods: An observational, descriptive, and prospective study was carried out. 15 patients treated in the skin tumor clinic at the Dr. Carlos J. Finlay polyclinic in the Colon, Matanzas, were included. They had a diagnosis by histopathology of basal cell carcinoma, with periocular location, and with a size where surgery was unsightly. The investigation was conducted between January 2017 and December 2023. The patients were evaluated at weeks 0, 4,8, and 16 after treatment. A dose of 10,5 million international units of HeberFERON was administered three times per week perilesional and intradermal to complete nine doses. The variables were: age, sex, skin phototype, location, tumor type, histological subtype, clinical stage, time of evolution, clinical and dermatoscopic response to treatment

Results: Male sex, skin phototype II, lower eyelid location, solid histologic subtype, primary tumors, and stage IA, were more frequent. Complete response was achieved in 46.7% and partial response in 20%. The coincidence of complete clinical and dermatoscopic responses occurred in 71.2%.

Conclusions: HeberFERON was a therapeutic alternative for use in basal cell carcinoma with palpebral location.



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Author Biographies

Meilyn Fernández Martori, Policlinico Dr.Carlos J Finlay

Especialista II grado en Dermatologia. Master en Enfermedades Infecciosas. Diplomado en Dermatoscopia.Responsable consulta de tumores cutaneos.Departamento consultas especializadas.

Yamirka Irina Rojas Pérez, Policlínico Juan Gualberto Gómez. Los Arabos, Matanzas

Especialista 1er grado en Medicina General Integral y 1er grado en Oftalmología.Policlínico Universitario Juan Gualberto Gómez. Los Arabos. Matanzas. Consulta oftalmología Hospital Dr.Mario Muñoz Monroy, Colón

Samia Hernández Drake, Hospital Dr. Mario Muñoz Monroy, Colón, Matanzas

Especialista 1er grado en Cirugía Máxilo-Facial. Hospital Universitario Dr. Mario Muñoz Monroy. Colón. Matanzas

Silvio Faustino Faustino Soler Cárdenas, Editorial de la Revista Médica Electrónica

Licenciado en Matemáticas.Profesor Auxiliar. Investigador Auxiliar. Universidad Ciencias Médicas Matanzas. Centro Provincial de Información Científica, Editorial Revista Médica electrónica, Matanzas

Jorge Bacallao Gallestey, Centro de investigación y Referencia de Aterosclerosis. La Habana, Cuba

Licenciado en Matemáticas. Doctor en Ciencias. Profesor Titular



How to Cite

Fernández Martori M, Rojas Pérez YI, Hernández Drake S, Soler Cárdenas SFF, Bacallao Gallestey J. Carcinoma basocelular periocular tratado con una mezcla de interferones en la atención primaria. Rev cuba med gen integr [Internet]. 2025 Feb. 17 [cited 2025 Mar. 10];41:e_3458. Available from:

