Unintentional Injuries in Children under Eighteen Years of Age


  • Jackeline Alpïzar Navarro Centro Provincial de Higiene Epidemiologia y Microbiologia Matanzas
  • María del Carmen Mora Alpizar
  • María Mercedes Aldama Oviedo
  • Beatriz Molina Gonzáles
  • Lissy Vega Rodríguez
  • Susana Virginia Cabrera Hernández


unintentional injuries in children, accidents in children, prevention of unintentional injuries, prevalence.


Introduction: Unintentional injuries are considered a health concern worldwide. Their rates rise drastically. In Cuba, they occupy one of the leading causes of morbidity in pediatric age.

Objective: To describe the main epidemiological characteristics of unintentional injuries in children under 18 years of age in Matanzas.

Methods: A descriptive study was carried out in Matanzas, between 2013 and 2018. The universe consisted of 4464 unintentional injuries experienced, during the period analyzed, by children under 18 years of age. Crude rates per 10 000 inhabitants were used for the analysis of the variables.

Results: The morbidity rates in the province were between 45.2 and 58.2 per 10 000 inhabitants. The municipalities with the highest risk were Matanzas and Limonar. Most of the unintentional injuries occurred at home. Falls were the most frequent and caused minor injuries.

Conclusions: Unintentional injuries constitute a health concern. It is necessary to assess and control the risk factors for the different types of accidents, in order to prevent or reduce their incidence, through information, education and communication strategies. Making families aware of the vulnerability of children is an essential and basic aspect in all efforts aimed at preventing unintentional injuries at this stage of life.




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How to Cite

Alpïzar Navarro J, Mora Alpizar M del C, Aldama Oviedo MM, Molina Gonzáles B, Vega Rodríguez L, Cabrera Hernández SV. Unintentional Injuries in Children under Eighteen Years of Age. Rev cuba med gen integr [Internet]. 2021 Mar. 24 [cited 2025 Mar. 28];37(1). Available from: https://revmgi.sld.cu/index.php/mgi/article/view/1329

